Monday, July 12, 2010

We're Back!!!

My friend recently wrote me a Facebook message stating that she had been almost "painfully" busy... those words keep popping into my head because they seem to describe my life as well. Each thing I am doing is good and sometimes even "relaxing" in nature but the persistence of it all has been too much. This weekend we finally had some downtime and it was glorious! I come to the realization over and over again in my life that I need downtime. Those who are around me when I am too busy will attest to this fact as well, I am much more pleasant when rested. With a little breather I get inspired to do more than just keep all the balls in the air. I actually want to call friends, cook a nice dinner and of course, blog!

Our big news is that later this week we will be having a new girl come to live with us. Her name is Desiree and she is a foster kiddo that is 17 and about to be a senior in high school. She is "renting a room" from us as part of a transitional house program for foster youth (the same program I used to work for). My role is to be more of a mentor than a mother. While living with us she will buy her own food and have workers that help her learn different skills for independent living. It will be interesting for us all to make this transition but Rachel and I both feel excited about it. I know the reality will be much more complex than we can foresee but it is really amazing how it came about and I trust that just because it may be a challenge doesn't mean it's not the right thing to do. I feel a real calling for foster youth and I am blessed to have a home with enough room so I am always excited to be faithful in walking forward as God opens the doors.

So I will be writing a series of blogs to catch up to the present. They will be some brief highlights over the last few months. As you can see we've been busy bees :-)

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