Saturday, March 6, 2010

So in the past few weeks I have been up and down and all over the place. I have started writing a few posts about my parenting problems, or expressing joy and laughter over all the little things like church volleyball games, getting stuck in traffic for 3 hours commuting to work and silly times with coworkers. I have thought about talking about my heart that has been so stuck in a rut of hardness toward certain people. I have wanted to celebrate the victory of having lost 55 lbs and how great it feels to work out these days. I have wanted to tell you about how God is using our community group and how this has opened the door for me to start building some more community at our church. I have wanted to post more fiery parenting posts and a flurry of life updates, but instead I am just letting you know that my dad and Rachel and I are going to Biola today to see my brother's basketball team play. We are doing 8 hours or more of driving today to go there and back but I am looking forward to seeing my bro (pictured above) and spending time with my dad and Rachie. I have lots of responsibilities that I am throwing to the wind today but what the heck, sometimes you just gotta get out of dodge!

1 comment:

Brian & Mary Hand said...

Love you, love you, love you! I'm glad you took a break for a Saturday adventure!

And, I'm so proud of Brookie . . . you're such a great mom . . . and 55 lbs?!!! Way to go!

It was great chatting. I'll try again this week.

Love you,